Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dear 'ole Dad!

Hello. I met a new friend on Wednesday at the General Store in Minnetonka, MN (shoppers paradise) and I had to peak around a bit before I hit the road for Eden Prairie. I love to look at cards and I always manage to find one I must buy. This card had my Dad's name written all over it! He is always working on something around the house or outside when he's not at the golf course. Inside it says: You are my Mr. Fix-It even when nothing is broken....Happy Father's Day. Anyway I loved it so I bought it for my Dad. He lives in NH and is a super cool dad. I love and miss him very much. I also sent my dad a hand-made card I copied from Emily "Scoopy." I did scan the card before I mailed it out. I will try and post it soon. I have to get to bed now as I have another busy day tomorrow. I have so many classes coming up. I will be back hopefully with a card in a couple of days. Hugs. Tami : D

Edited Thursday night. I tried to upload this post last night about seven times and no luck. I was gone all day on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tami! I just recently found your blog and I just had to comment today- my husband and I lived in Eden Prairie for a year and a half! Lovely place and I met a BFF there! We still keep in touch 13 years later even though she is in Belle Plaine now and we are in Albuquerque, NM!!!

Mary said...

That is an awesome card for your Dad, Tami. I'm sure he will love it.


Nancy said...

Hi Tami!! Great "fix it" card for your dad!!

Anonymous said...

I am sure he loved the card, Tami! Hope he had a happy Father's Day! Tinla